FCScore is the first public release of another FlightCoach app that brings an advanced automatic judging process into aerobatics. The idea and the tool has been in development for over 10 years. The application is free to use for flight data recorded in Ardupilot dataflash log files and Flight Coach JSON files. The automatic judging process is entirely deterministic based on the rules for the relevant aerobatic category, allowing you to see exactly how every score is calculated and hence how to improve your flying.

FCScore link

FCScore screenshot

Alongside the judging process, FCScore includes a flight data and score sharing platform. This means that FCScore offers the new possibility of registering world records in aerobatics. We encourage all pilots to share as many flights as possible as we can use this to improve the judging process in the future.

FCScore is still under active development, but it is already producing compelling results for F3A aerobatic flights. Initial trials have been performed for full-scale power and glider aerobatics and preliminary support for IMAC will be added soon. Future work will also include closer integration with the Flight Coach plotter.


Thomas David – Judging Process and Client
Adrian Mansell – Flight Sharing Database
Artur Uzieblo – Flight Coach

score table